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Showing posts with label SEO tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SEO tips. Show all posts

July 27, 2011

How to Improve Your Blogs Google Ranking

Google's search engines,, employs a variety of methods to determine which pages are shown first in results. Their exact formula is a secret, but there are some things you can do to improve your position. The name for this is the search engine optimization (SEO). These tips may not make your website the first to appear in the list, but they just can help you get up a little.

Ignore the Spam, and Web sites that offer to submit your website to hundreds of search engines. At best they are wasting time and money and at worst they can actually hurt your rank. Focus on keyword phrases rather than focusing on a single word, try adding a few words to express a keyword. You might want to have knowledge of effective search Google to see how the expressions of help with keyword research. If you're looking for your own website, what keyword phrase you would type in Google for each page?

Are you looking for super fast gadgets? Would you look with cooking gadgets? It may be helpful to get a different perspective. Ask someone else to read your

July 17, 2011

SEO onpage factors

Most website owners have expressed concern and factors of off-page search engine optimization  (SEO) such as links building and the a large social media presence they forget about doing the right things on their actual location. Yes, backlinks and who follows is extremely important but they do not mean much if your site is not up to par.
Here are some strategies for on-page SEO that you should implement on your website ...

Area - with enough work you could technically get any field ranked highly for any keyword, but you can much easier on yourself by choosing the right field early on. Obtaining a right - to match the field (EMD) can often be incredibly useful in ranking your site on top search engines. EMD will often times it to top 10 or even # 1, based on that alone.
The problem is that in most places all the best Exact - Match fields are already taken, so it is not always possible to get one. However, you should at least get one with your main keywords in it. Just add an extra letter or word at the end, or one that fits well. Having your keywords in the field can be very useful for search engine rankings.

The meta tag - your title tag and description tag are extremely important factors of SEO. Your title tag should contain your main keywords without a lot of extra filler words, but do not fill so completely that it seems ridiculous. Keep the title to about 65 characters and that includes spaces. It's about what Google shows in search results and you want to keep around here.

The description tag should..

Avoid this mistake while blogging

Back in 2007 when I started as a blogger, I was totally off-track. As you might already know that I started earning money on the internet with paid to click websites. Yes, what a waste of time. But since I was quite excited about making money back then, I wanted to create a blog to promote my referral links. 

In paid to click websites, you are looking for references that may come, click on ads and earn money for you forever. Since signing a whole bunch of links to places to let people know about it was a little hard work, instead I created a blog, he filled my journals and reference links, and then a promoted blog instead.
My initial goal was to get visitors and then have them sign up for the paid clicks on the website. It was not long until the blogger has disabled my account with all the blogs including the one I used to promote referral links. However, I did that for some reason, I actually earned money from my efforts to get visitors to the blog.
Today, I see a group of fully loaded by seo blogs without ads. The thing is, there is no point in doing SEO on a blog if you have no intentions of making money from it. Straight up. Unless you have other goals for the blog. 

This thing gets more emphasis when your main source of traffic is traffic of reference. You can always play around with organic traffic because you know that more will come later and you do not really lose a lot of money in the long run. 

But usually the Traffic reference comes and goes. You do not have a possibility of their return or more of them coming to your website after you have been promoting. In this case, it's complete nonsense to have no monetize your blog which is fully conducive for any reason. 

The more widely the knowledge is: Traffic is money. However, you must learn how to convert that traffic into money otherwise you will end up in the blue with no money and probably a loss as to receive a fee.
My advice to all new bloggers is: Monetize your blog from day one! There is no problem, I repeat, no harm in monetizing a blog. If you think it will discourage visitors, no it does not. If so, Google would not have been the number one search engine. There are thousands of other search engines without ads. 

It will not affect your SEO. Why it will not affect your SEO is because Google will still benefit if you have adsense on your blog. Since when Google sends traffic to your website, clicks on the ad adsense. Not only do you get paid, but Google gets paid as well. I know this theory sounds totally absurd but it was right to diversify your minds not monetizing a new website. So yeah, you can laugh